(321) 615-3216

#1 Facebook E-commerce App

Open a Facebook store

My EZ Shop is the #1 e-commerce app. On average, merchants receive 15% of their sales from Facebook.

Sell Everywhere Else Too

Sell simultaneously on websites, mobile sites, social networks and marketplaces like Google Shopping, eBay and Amazon.

Checkout inside Facebook

The My EZ Shop resides on your Facebook page so your customers can shop and pay without leaving.

Join Global Community

Stores in 175 countries, over 50 languages, over 40 international payment options and real-time shipping integrations globally.

Make Facebook Work for You

Setting up your Facebook Store is the first step. Making it a successful page is the next.

No website, no problem!

Don’t have a website? Facebook Store is a perfect solution to selling online without setting up a website.

Want more sales?

The average My EZ Shop merchant with synchronized stores receives 15% of their sales from Facebook.

Start Selling on Your Facebook Page Now

Facebook Store is included with every plan

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